Friday 15 May 2015

Mobile Crane

Mobile Crane

A mobile crane is "a cable-controlled crane mounted on crawlers or rubber-tired carriers" or "a hydraulic-powered crane with a telescoping boom mounted on truck-type carriers or as self-propelled models." They are designed to easily transport to a site and use with different types of load and cargo with little or no setup or assembly.
Mobile cranes generally operate a boom from the end of which a hook is suspended by wire rope and sheaves. The wire ropes are operated by whatever prime movers the designers have available, operating through a variety of transmissions. Steam engines, electric motors, and internal combustion engines (IC) have all been used. Older cranes' transmissions tended to be clutches. This was later modified when using IC engines to match the steam engines' "max torque at zero speed" characteristic by the addition of a hydrokinetic element culminating in controlled torque converters. The operational advantages of this arrangement can now be achieved by electronic control of hydrostatic drives, which for size and other considerations is becoming standard. Some examples of this type of crane can be converted to a demolition crane by adding a demolition ball, or to an earthmover by adding a clamshell bucket or a dragline and scoop, although design details can limit their effectiveness.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Tower Crane

Tower Crane

A crane to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally that can be used both as a hoist, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves, a type of machine is equipped with. It mainly heavy lifting and other places used for transporting them. Creating a mechanical advanta
ge and thus move loads beyond the normal capacity of a person to one or more uses of simple machines. Cranes for the movement of goods and the accumulation of heavy equipment in the construction industry for the manufacturing industry, for loading and unloading freight transportation industry are working.
The first construction cranes were invented by the ancient Greeks and donkeys such as men or beasts of burden, was powered by. These cranes were used for the construction of tall buildings. The large cranes to lift heavy weights, the use of human treadwheels employment, was developed. In the High Middle Ages, harbor cranes and ships free download to help with the construction of these was introduced - some extra strength and stability of the towers were built of stone. The earliest cranes were constructed from wood, but iron, iron and steel took over with the coming of the Industrial Revolution were cast.
hoists in watermills and windmills harnessed the natural power that can be driven by, for several centuries, power, men or animals were provided by physical exertion. First 'mechanical' power was provided by steam engines, the earliest steam crane used in the late 20th century in very well with the rest, 18th or 19th century, is being introduced.use the system.
According to a specific use - Cranes forms are available in a huge variety. Sometimes size used for high buildings the tallest tower cranes, to the smallest JIB cranes used inside workshops, carry. Mini cranes from reaching tight spaces also to facilitate the construction, which is used for high buildings. In the end, we usually build oil rigs and salvage sunken ships to use large floating cranes can find.
Some strictly a crane lifting machines do not fit the above definition, but in general, such as the stacker cranes and cranes loader cranes, called



A crane to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally that can be used both as a hoist, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves, a type of machine is equipped with. It mainly heavy lifting and other places used for transporting them. Creating a mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capacity of a person to one or more uses of simple machines. Cranes for the movement of goods and the accumulation of heavy equipment in the construction industry for the manufacturing industry, for loading and unloading freight transportation industry are working.
The first construction cranes were invented by the ancient Greeks and donkeys such as men or beasts of burden, was powered by. These cranes were used for the construction of tall buildings. The large cranes to lift heavy weights, the use of human treadwheels employment, was developed. In the High Middle Ages, harbor cranes and ships free download to help with the construction of these was introduced - some extra strength and stability of the towers were built of stone. The earliest cranes were constructed from wood, but iron, iron and steel took over with the coming of the Industrial Revolution were cast.
hoists in watermills and windmills harnessed the natural power that can be driven by, for several centuries, power, men or animals were provided by physical exertion. First 'mechanical' power was provided by steam engines, the earliest steam crane used in the late 20th century in very well with the rest, 18th or 19th century, is being introduced.use the system.
According to a specific use - Cranes forms are available in a huge variety. Sometimes size used for high buildings the tallest tower cranes, to the smallest JIB cranes used inside workshops, carry. Mini cranes from reaching tight spaces also to facilitate the construction, which is used for high buildings. In the end, we usually build oil rigs and salvage sunken ships to use large floating cranes can find.
Some strictly a crane lifting machines do not fit the above definition, but in general, such as the stacker cranes and cranes loader cranes, as is known.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Drilling machine

Drilling Machine 

 At one end of the drill attachment gripped by a chuck and is rotated while pressed against the target material. Cutting tool tip, and sometimes the edges, is cut in the target material. This crushing and workpiece (SDS masonry drill), countersinking, counterboring, or removing pieces of other operations, small particles (oil drilling) away from the grinding of thin shavings (twist drill or auger bits) to be slicing off Can.

Practice common woodworking, metalworking, construction and do-it-yourself projects. Specially designed practice medicine, and other applications used in space missions. Such as the ability to exercise power and performance features, are available with a wide variety.

Around 35,000 BC, sapiens sapiens discovered the benefits of the application of rotary tools. It  Sometimes it was associated with a flint point drill, a smooth rod, led to. rudimentarily a pointed rock, and between the boring a hole through the material being spun will contain, and was found among the palms. The Mayans, including many of the world was used by ancient civilizations. [Thus, bone, ivory, shells and antlers hole samples as soon as possible, found, are by far the Upper Paleolithic.

A rotary movement in a back and forth motion as change the smell drill (drill collar), the exercise machine, and the surroundings can be traced back to 10,000 years ago. Tying a cord around a stick, and then a stick (a bow) connecting the ends of the string to the end of a user to drill faster and more efficiently was discovered that allowed. Basically, bow-drill fire the old woodwork, stones were used and used in dentistry. Archeologist 11 teeth that had been drilled with a total of 9 bodies of adults, around 7,500-9,000 years ago, dating from the time of Harappan Mehrgrath, a Neolithic grave yard in Pakistan, discovered.  There are Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting carpenter and practice using the bow bead makers in a tomb in Thebes. These devices are being used in Egypt from the earliest evidence dates back to around 2500 BC.  bow practice widely used during ancient times in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America, and was spread through is still used today. Over the years quite a bit of practice bow and strap variations either by content or lighting a fire of boring is ready for use.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Tunnel boring machine

 Tunnel Boring Machine

A "mole" is known as a tunnel boring machine (TBM), through a variety of soil and rock strata with a circular cross-section is a machine used for digging tunnels. Through some hard rock to the sand can produce. 19.25 meter diameter tunnel to date (done with micro-TBMs) can reach one meter. Tunnels of less than one meter in diameter or trenchless construction methods generally horizontal directional drilling or instead is using TBMs.
Tunnel boring machines, drilling and blasting (D & B) in rocks and soil traditional "hand mining" as an alternative to the methods used. TBMs to limit disturbance to the surrounding ground and producing a smooth tunnel wall advantages. This significantly reduces the cost of lining the tunnel, and it makes it suitable for use in large urban areas. The main disadvantage is the cost. TBMs are expensive to build, and can be difficult to transport. However, as modern tunnels longer than drill and blast tunnel boring machines cost is actually lower. Tunneling with TBMs is much more efficient and shorten completion times because of the results.
19.25 meters in diameter, the largest TBM, (63 feet), Orlovski tunnel Herrenknecht AG, in St. Petersburg was built by a project. Machine to bore through soft ground including sand and clay was built for. Herrenknecht AG also built the world's largest diameter hard rock TBM excavation area :; 192 square meters, the thrust 39.485 T, a total weight of 4,500 tons, total installed capacity of 18 MW "Martina" (excavation diameter of 15.62 meters, total length 130 m, the annual energy consumption of 62,000,000 kWh) near Florence) Pass owned and Italian motorway A1 ("Variante di Valico A1" for the gallery Sparvo Costruzioni SpA in the Italian construction company Generali (the Group) is operated by.
The largest diameter hard rock TBM, 14.4 meters, Robbins Company for Canada's Niagara Tunnel Project was developed by. Niagara Falls hydroelectric tunnel boring machine was used below. The tunneling machine which is providing an additional hydropower tunnel Sir Adam Beck hydroelectric dams of the "Big Becky" was declared.
In 2013, Hitachi Zosen Corporation Highway 99 tunnel in Seattle for the project, an earth pressure balance TBM delivered to the United States. Bore 57.5 feet (17.45 meters).

Hard Rock TBMs

Hard rock, either shielded or open type TBMs can be used. Hard Rock TBMs cutter head installed in all types of rock excavation using the disc cutter. Disc cutter in front of the machine to chip away at the stone, which in turn, creates fractures in the rock compressive stress, called the tunnel face. Rock tunnel excavation known as muck, muck cars or conveyors for removal machine moves through a system where a belt conveyor, is transmitted through the hole in the head.
Rock TBMs type open rear area, leaving the field open for support, there is no shield. To further machine that pushes against the walls of the tunnel by a gripper system uses. Ungripped the only one who will drive the gripper shoes Wirth as in the case of the machine, while the machine continues to push the side walls can be diverted. Then the machine will push hard to get hold off. At the end of a stroke, the machine behind the legs are lowered and hold propel cylinders are retracted. Boring cycle to propel the cylinder retraction of the gripper assembly repositions. Hold the rear legs lifted, are extended, and begins boring again. When other machines as open type, or main beam, TBM do not install it behind the concrete segments. Instead, the ring beam like rock, rock bolts, shotcrete, and steel straps, color steel (2011 Pakistan Awami Tehreek) and wire mesh (Stack, 1995) as the support is held using methods .
In fractured rock, hard rock TBMs shielded behind the machine unstable tunnel segments erect concrete walls to support, which can be used. Double Shield TBMs are two modes; strengthening the grip against the tunnel walls can advance. Unstable, fractured ground, pressed against the back of the machine tunnel segments push the thrust cylinder is moved. The impact from the fragile walls of the tunnel is the main thrust forces. Single Shield TBMs work in the same way, but the only concrete classes (Stack, 1995), as can push off against, is only used in fractured ground.

Soft ground TBMs

Earth pressure balance machines (EPB), slurry shield (s) and open-face type soft ground, TBMs are three main types. Both types of machines shut off the concrete segments for further pushing forward thrust by using cylinders, Single Shield TBMs work. Earth pressure balance machines with 7 times less than the pressure used in soft ground. Not only does the disc cutter cutter head, but instead of tungsten carbide cutting bits, carbide cutters, disk, drag the picks and / or a combination of hard rock disc cutters. The face of the tunnel excavation material is used to balance the pressure gets its name because the EPB. Archimedes screw spoil pressure through the extraction rate and the advance rate is maintained by controlling the cutterhead. Such as bentonite, polymers and additives such as foam to increase the stability of the ground ahead of the face can be injected.
Archimedes screw too much water pressure or a plug-in can not be set so high so that granular soil conditions (sand and gravels) are, with slurry shield TBMs need soft ground. cutterhead hydrostatic pressure which applies pressure on the excavation face is filled with slurry. Usually the slurry out of the tunnel, a slurry separation plant before being pumped back to the cutterhead out of material excavated by mixing as a means of transport works. Slurry separation plants that can be reused in the construction process so that the slurry particles away from the spoil of a multi-stage filtration system,. Slurry 'cleared' the excavated materials which can be used depending on the particle size. Spoil slurry particle size was less than that of the bentonite clay as the reason, slurry TBMs silts and clays are suitable for. In this case, the slurry can be recycled water, and water is pressed from the mud pie, divided into.
Open face being dug into the soft ground TBMs face of the earth for a short period of time will stand with any support rely on the fact that - so with a strength of up to 10MPa or for use in rock types makes them suitable, and with low water flows. In the face of more than 10 meters in size, it can be excavated. 150MM face shield to the inside edge using a backactor arm or head is excavated. The shield on the front slope forwards and rigid circular shape is jacked off the ground. Sometimes the support of precast concrete, or SGI (spheroidal graphite iron) is provided by the use of, or close support has been built until a complete ring segments that are supported. A final segment, called key, wedge-shaped, and the TBM shield circular cut by the cutter against left until the ring expands. Many variations of this type of TBM exist.
TBMs use high pressure relieves the need for large numbers of workers, while sometimes slurry shield TBMs a caisson system is set up on the cutting head. [9] [10] inspection, maintenance and repair to the place of medical workers entering the "Dive" fit as approved and to be trained in the operation of the locks.

Backup Systems

Behind all types of tunnel boring machines, the completion of the tunnel in part, known as system backup support are trailing the deck. Located on backup support mechanisms may include: pre-cast segments of the transport conveyors or other systems to remove manure, slurry pipelines if applicable, control room, electrical systems, construction, ventilation and mechanisms.Urban tunneling and near-surface tunnel
The undisturbed ground level urban tunnel that particular need. This means it is necessary to avoid ground subsidence. Soft ground in the normal course of procedure and tunnel construction is to maintain the soil pressure. Especially in different segments, something difficult to do so (for example, the upper part of the tunnel face and wet sand bottom in a region where the boring through hard rock) is.
And millionaires such as the EPB control with positive face TBMs ,, used in such circumstances. Both types (EPB and SS) properly operated and if the ground conditions are well documented, so reducing the risk of surface subsidence and voids are capable of.
Tunnel in urban environments, the other tunnels, existing utility lines and deep foundations need to be addressed in the initial planning stages. Infrastructure projects for other measures to reduce any harmful effects must adjust.

Thursday 7 May 2015

slump test instruments

Slump test instruments

The concrete slump test is an empirical test that measures the workability of fresh concrete.

More specifically, it measures the consistency of the concrete in that specific batch. This test is performed to check the consistency of freshly made concrete. Consistency is a term very closely related to workability. It is a term which describes the state of fresh concrete. It refers to the ease with which the concrete flows. It is used to indicate the degree of wetness. Workability of concrete is mainly affected by consistency i.e. wetter mixes will be more workable than drier mixes, but concrete of the same consistency may vary in workability. It is also used to determine consistency between individual batches.

The test is popular due to the simplicity of apparatus used and simple procedure. Unfortunately, the simplicity of the test often allows a wide variability in the manner that the test is performed. The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches of similar concrete under field conditions,:127,128 and to ascertain the effects of plasticizers on their introduction.:134 In India this test is conducted as per IS specification.

The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete, the slump is termed as true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. If a shear or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh sample should be taken and the test repeated. A collapse slump is an indication of too wet a mix. Only a true slump is of any use in the test. A collapse slump will generally mean that the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability mix, for which slump test is not appropriate.[1]:128[3] Very dry mixes; having slump 0 – 25 mm are used in road making, low workability mixes; having slump 10 – 40 mm are used for foundations with light reinforcement, medium workability mixes; 50 - 90 for normal reinforced concrete placed with vibration, high workability concrete

electronics level machine

Electronics level machine

Land surveys or survey points and the distances and angles between them to determine the position of the terrestrial or three-dimensional technology, profession and science. A surveyor is a professional survey., or other purposes such places, is used to set sales.

Surveyors mathematics (geometry and trigonometry), physics, engineering, and working with elements of the law. Total stations, robotic total stations, GPS receivers, prisms's, 3D scanners, radios, handheld shots, Digital Level, and use surveying equipment like software.

Surveying the human environment since the beginning of recorded history is a factor in development. Planning and construction process most types need it. The transportation, communications, mapping, and land ownership is used in the definition of legal boundaries.

Since humans first large structures underlying surveyance has occurred. Stonehenge prehistoric monument (c. 2500 BC) The prehistoric surveyors using peg and rope geometry was determined by

In ancient Egypt, a rope stretcher annual flooding of the Nile to re-establish the boundaries of the use of simple geometry. Great Pyramid of Giza nearly perfect squareness and north-south orientation, built c. 2700 BC, surveying the Egyptians' command declares. Groma instrument originated in Mesopotamia (early 1st Millennium BC)

Hui Liu published his work in mathmetician 263 Sea Island Mathematical Haidao suanjing or manual measurement methods described in the distant objects.

Land Surveyors Romans recognized as a profession. He's like the Roman Empire conquered territories (300 AD) was known as the Roman Surveyors Gromatici as tax registers, which were distributed under the primary measurement.

In medieval Europe, beating the boundaries of a village or parish maintained. This gathering of a group of residents and the parish boundaries to establish a communal memory or practice of walking around the village. Young Boys memory lasted as long as possible to ensure there was added.

In England, William the Conqueror all land owners in the Domesday Book of 1086. The name was registered, he owned land, soil quality, and sector-specific information content and the inhabitants of the territory of the Commission. It did not include maps showing exact locations.