Thursday 29 January 2015


ROAD survey and design specifications

This section requires that the design of the survey methodology and describes the requirements
Follady the design drawings for the construction of roads must be followed to prepare
And Bamyan city roads Project UNOPS / AGOC transport will be implemented under
Sector program portfolio.
Required design shown, but not limited to the following actions as are:
• road works, drainage, erosion control and associated site works and earthworks application
Different standards, codes and principles of road design to provide the minimum is intended as a guide
Standards for road geometric elements. Important for the development, such factors
The road to the natural shape of the vertical and horizontal alignments fitting coordination, as
Land (pasture), including the protection of natural features. In addition, consideration will be given to
Public access and safety practice.
UNOPS the BOQ, technical specification and standard drawings are to be used by the contractor.
These variations may be necessary from time to time and are to be discussed with the UNOPS
Description of the design engineer and approved before work.
Design standards and publications
Road design should conform to the following standards:
• Highways and roads, Fourth Edition, 2001 AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design (Green Book)
Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and the Ministry • Ministry of Public Works (MPW)
Standards MRRD Standard Drawings.
• National Rural Access Program Standards.
• MPW technical specifications designed to NRAP.
• Ministry of Public Works, Transit Road Standards March, 2005
• AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993 and 1998 Supplement
• Design and Control of Concrete mix, 14th Edition
• AASHTO Highway Drainage Guidelines, 2007 Edition
UNOPS as determined by the Engineer • any other relevant guidelines and specifications

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