Saturday 29 November 2014

hydrographic surveying

 Hydrographic surveying

Hydrographic survey is the science of measurement and description of features which affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore oil exploration/drilling and related activities. Strong emphasis is placed on soundings, shorelines, tides, currents, sea floor and submerged obstructions that relate to the previously mentioned activities. The term hydrography is sometimes used synonymously to describe maritime, which in the final stages of the hydrographic process uses the raw data collected through hydrographic survey into information usable by the end user.
Hydrography is collected under rules which vary depending on the acceptance authority. Traditionally conducted by ships with a sounding line or echo sounding, surveys are increasingly conducted with the aid of aircraft and sophisticated electronic sensor systems in shallow waters


float meter

echo meter

water meter

current meter

Friday 21 November 2014

Topographical survey

 Topographical survey

The term topography originated in ancient Greece and a detailed description of the place, as in ancient Rome continued. The word comes from the Greek words τόπος (topos, "place") and -γραφία (-graphia, "writing"). In classical literature refers to a place or places to write about, now largely "local is called history. In the UK and Europe in general, the word topography is still sometimes used in its original sense.

Britain (starting in the late eighteenth century) were called Ordnance Survey detailed reconnaissance and topographic surveys and maps for the term commonly used in the 20th century. The earliest scientific surveys in France were called the Cassini maps produced four generations of his family over. [Citation needed] The term "topographic surveys" appears to be American in origin. The earliest detailed survey in the United States during the war of 1812, the "Army of the Topographical Bureau" was carried out by Topographical Engineers in 1838. which became the core National Mapping was assumed by the US Geological Survey in 1878, the term detailed topographical survey and mapping as a general term for programs, and standards as adopted by most other countries have been.

In the 20th century, the term topography mapping in a broader sense, especially in medical fields such as neuroscience, is used, the level of detail in other areas began to be used to .

Topography methods

There are a variety of approaches to study the topography. Which to use the method (s) the scale and size of the area under study, its accessibility, and depending on the quality of the current survey.

Direct Survey

In Germany, a survey point
Main article: survey

Surveying accurately the terrestrial or three-dimensional space position of points and the distance helps determine and such theodolites, dumpy level and leveling devices using clinometers as the angle between them.

On one of the first topographic maps of Italy's Giovanni Domenico Cassini, who started his life, the great Italian astronomer, was launched in France by.

Many remote sensing data collection process has accelerated, and long-distance control, allowing greater accuracy, although direct survey still manual or GIS-based, it works for all topographic control points and provides the basic framework.

A comprehensive survey and mapping program directly (for example, continental Europe and the United States, most) have been areas where the compiled data such as USGS DEM data forms the basis of the digital elevation data. These data eliminate inconsistencies between the survey to "clean" will be required, but it is still widely used for the analysis forms a valuable set of information.

Topographic survey of the US (or British "Ordnance" surveys) not only recording of relief, but the identification of historic properties and ground cover plants involved.

Remote sensing

Remote sensing at a distance from the subject area is a general term for geodata collection.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Surveying companies

 surveying companies

Land surveying is considered to be the second oldest profession in the world, and more than ever it is an integral part of communities across the globe. In today's guide we shall look at land surveying companies - what they do and how you can use one. What do Land Surveying Companies do? Land surveying companies essentially measure and map the land. There are many different reasons why they might do this and can adapt their methods to suit the requirements of their clients. land surveying companies Although the basics of what land surveying companies do is very simple, the scope of what they can actually do for you is very broad and diverse. Land surveyors are highly trained professionals that use their skills in mathematics, physics and cartography to complete their very precise work. Anyone who is developing a property - either residential or commercial - needs to use a land surveying company as it helps to plan and organize the development by taking into account the shape of the land. Land surveying companies are also important from a legal standpoint. Land surveying companies help to establish property ownership and define boundaries between the land owned by one person and the next. There are different surveying laws across the USA, although most use the Public Land Survey System. The process of surveying the land can be incredibly difficult, particularly with so many different mapping systems and legal jargon that needs to be taken into account. This Is why it's essential that you use an experienced and reputable land surveying company.  

What to Look for in a Land Surveying Company 

 Land surveying companies' services can be quite expensive, which is why you don't want to make a poor decision and get a less-than-perfect result for your money. So what should you be looking for when choosing a land surveying company? The first thing to make sure is that the land surveying companies are reputable. Try and find personal recommendations and reviews and ask them to provide testimonials if possible. Do not choose a land surveying company off of price alone - competency is the most important thing to take into account. Land surveying companies offer a range of different services, so you will first need to establish what services you require. Many land surveying companies are comprehensive and also include the services of attorneys, engineers, planners, architects and landscape architects if you require. In the USA, all land surveyors must hold a valid license, which varies from state to state. Before hiring a land surveying company make sure that they hold the correct license. Cost of Land Surveying Companies The cost of using a land surveying company varies drastically depending on what services you require and the company that you use. There are several factors that land surveying companies take into account when estimating a cost for the work that they do. Some of these include: type of survey, vegetation, accessibility, time of year, size and shape of property, amount of existing evidence on the property and more. Speak to local land surveying companies to ask for an estimate for the work you need doing and from there you can compare costs. Typically, land surveying companies that are familiar with your particular area are more efficient than those from further away. Where to Find Local Land Surveying Companies No matter where you live you shouldn't find it hard to get into contact with land surveying companies. The first thing to try is speaking to friends and colleagues to see if they have had any experiences with local land surveying companies as personal recommendations are always a good start. If this does not work then turn to your Yellow Pages or local directory for listings of local land surveying companies. You can also use the internet to search local listings. Many large land surveying companies have their own websites through which you can contact them. Always compare several land surveying companies before settling on one. Ask plenty of questions and ensure you feel comfortable with what they are offering you.

Friday 14 November 2014

customer satisfaction survey

customer satisfaction survey

Customers! How do you keep the customer happy? Customer satisfaction, has been described as "their expectations were met or exceeded when a company and its products or services to consumers about the state of the mind." You provide your customers with a great product by the high level of customer satisfaction, you can reduce or service.

What do you really want to assess how, if your customer's customer satisfaction survey that measures overall feelings and thoughts can help to determine the data collection.
Typical questions to measure satisfaction:

      Overall, if you (the brand name), how satisfied are you with?
      (The brand name) would recommend?
      (The brand name) intend to buy again?

Customer satisfaction

      Aggregate measures of customer satisfaction
      Effective measures of customer satisfaction
      Cognitive measures of customer satisfaction
      Behavioral measures of customer satisfaction
      Estimated value of customer satisfaction measures

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Possible methods of distribution include:

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      Printed on the product code

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Best Practices

Customer satisfaction survey to provide an understanding of consumer expectations and satisfaction are ready. General satisfaction customer satisfaction survey that address different dimensions of the concept requires more than one question. The benefits of purchasing individual products with customer service, research and service attributes, and satisfaction with the overall satisfaction, satisfaction measures. Customer satisfaction surveys to measure customer satisfaction and building the best approach depends on the type of product or service provided, customer type, longevity and customer / supplier interaction frequency, and what you intend to do who are serving how many customers served, with the results. Customer satisfaction survey, there are many different approaches to produce the most meaningful and useful results.

          Research Suite
          New Features
          Survey form
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          Voice of the Customer
          Enterprise Feedback Management Software
          Types of Survey



Surveying or land surveying accurately distances and angles between points and determine the position of the terrestrial or three-dimensional technique, profession and science in general, by practicing surveyors, and engineering professions members. These points are usually on the surface of the earth, and they often property such as land maps and boundaries for ownership, government or civil law or underground features required by the building level corner space, or other Places like purposes, is used to set the sale

Surveyors mathematics (geometry and trigonometry), physics, engineering and using elements of the law. Surveying equipment total stations, robotic total stations, GPS receivers, prisms of, 3D scanners, radio, handheld tablets, digital levels, and includes surveying software.

An alternative definition, Surveying and Mapping (ACSM), the American Congress of Science and above, on or below the surface of the earth, or physical and cultural details of the points to determine the relative position of making all the necessary measurements and a valid form of art to describe them, or to set the position of the points or details.

Furthermore, as alluded to above, "land survey" is known as a particular type of surveying (also per ACSM) detailed study or inspection by collecting information through observation, as is measured in the field, questionnaires, or research of legal instruments, planning, design, and support the establishment of property boundaries and data analysis. Subdivision plats or maps, registered land surveys, judicial surveys, and space (as required by law or local ordinance) the record and historical evidence, as well as certification survey cadastral surveys and land boundaries based on documents including re-establishment delineation. Collect relevant data such as land surveying and mapping, construction layout surveys, precision measurements of length, angle, elevation, area, and volume, as well as horizontal and vertical control surveys, and data analysis and ground surveys regarded as the use of services can be connected.

Survey (about 6,000 years ago) since the beginning of recorded history in the development of the human environment is a major factor. The planning and construction process is required in almost every form. Its most familiar modern uses, transportation, building and construction, communications, mapping, and land ownership are in the definition of legal boundaries.

Surveying techniques 

A standard Brunton Geo compass, still used commonly today by geographers, geologists and surveyors for field-based measurements Example of modern equipment for surveying (Field-Map technology): GPS, laser rangefinder and field computer allows surveying as well as cartography (creation of map in real-time) and field data collection. Surveyors determine the position of objects by measuring angles and distances, along with various factors that can affect the accuracy of their observations. From this information, they can calculate more advanced constructs such as vectors, bearings, coordinates, elevations, areas, volumes, plans and maps. Measurements are also often split into horizontal and vertical components to simplify calculation. GPS and astronomical measurements also require measurement of a time co.

 Distance measurement 

 Historically, distances were measured using a variety of means, such as with chains having links of a known length, for instance a Gunter's chain, or measuring tapes made of steel or invar. To measure horizontal distances, these chains or tapes were pulled taut according to temperature, to reduce sagging and slack. Additionally, attempts to hold the measuring instrument level would be made. In instances of measuring up a slope, the surveyor might have to "break" (break chain) the measurement- use an increment less than the total length of the chain. Perambulator For measuring wheels could be used to measure longer distances but not to a high level of accuracy. Tacheometry is the science of measuring distances by measuring the angle between two ends of an object with a known size, and was sometimes used prior to the invention of EDM where rough ground made chain measurement impractical. Angle measurement


Basically a barometer - - height are used as an indication of the air pressure measuring height is with an altimeter for the easy way. But when more precise measurements are needed, such (also known as differential leveling) as a means of adhering to the surface, a kind of, it is designed to. Precise leveling, a series of measurements between two points using a device and a measuring rod is taken. Measure the height between diverse net difference in elevation between the two endpoints of the series to be adapted into a series are added and subtracted. Global Positioning System (GPS) with the advent, development be achieved with sophisticated satellite receivers, but usually with traditional precise leveling somewhat less accuracy than can. Traditional leveling would have to be run over a long distance, however, accuracies may be similar.

When using an optical surface, to be leveled endpoint may be beyond the effective range of the instrument, or obstructions or changes of elevation between the endpoints may be. In these circumstances, the required multiple setups. Turning to a different location to shoot an elevation level shifting is a term used when referring to. Level "turn" in order for a point located on the first reading and the development of the rod must be recorded. Stick while being kept in the same place at the surface, seems to still stick is moved to a new location. A reading is taken from the new location of the surface and the surface height of the gun is used to find the new height. Until the end of the series of measurements that can be repeated. To get an accurate measurement of the surface must be horizontal at the base of the stick because the device is horizontal crosshair, the surveyor will be able to stick and will not get a reading. Usually much higher than the level of the cane rod allowing it to be fixed, can be raised up to 25 feet high.