Friday 14 November 2014

Boundary survey

 Boundary survey

Mexican-American War of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended, as defined in the agreement for the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey (1848-1855) to determine the boundary between the United States and Mexico. Survey by William H. Emory, Secretary of the Interior (1857-1859) under the direction of the US and Mexican border survey report was published in three volumes entitled.

In addition to the new range of documents, study paleontology, botany, ichthyology, ornithology, and mammalogy materials, including natural history, was notable for. Twenty-five hand-colored lithographic plates of birds by Spencer Fullerton Baird edited volume limits Zoology, was added to. This reflection GT Were developed by Bowen and Company of Philadelphia, octavo edition of Birds of America, Audubon had presented the same firm. Plants, reptiles, and amphibians in some editions of the numerous color illustrations, was added. Scenery and important historical records of Ethnography hand-colored lithographs.

The boundary survey and subsequent agreements, the United States and Mexico, the border between the two nations to maintain river water allocation, and flood control and water treatment in 1889 to provide an international border and Water Commission (IBWC) established . Seen as a model of international cooperation, once an institution in recent decades IBWC heavily criticized as anachronism

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