Saturday 25 April 2015

Concrete slab design


Concrete slabs common structural element of modern buildings. Steel horizontal slab 4 and 20 inches (100 and 500 mm) thick between the general, reinforced concrete, more often thinner slabs are also used to smooth the exterior, floor and roof construction is used for. Sometimes these thin slabs, 2 inch (5.1 cm) thick by 6 inches (15 cm) long, clay slab is especially important under the floor slab used c or crawl spaces.

Many household and industrial buildings or on the grounds directly supported subsoil, a thick concrete slab on the ground floor of a building used for construction. This "ground effect" or "suspended" so maybe slab. High-rise buildings and skyscrapers, the thin, pre-cast concrete slab floors and ceilings on each level to form steel frames are hung between.

Technical drawings, concrete slabs often "rccslab" or just "RC" are short reinforced.

There are two main thermal considerations. First is the question of insulating a floor slab. In older buildings, cast concrete slabs on the floor drain can heat a room. In modern construction, concrete slabs usually expanded polystyrene, such as putting on a layer of insulation, and the slab may contain underfloor heating pipes. However, it is still commonly used to heat or cool to room temperature in the outbuildings which are not, are an uninsulated slab is used. In these cases, a rocky slab casting directly on the substrate or substrate temperatures throughout the year will maintain the slab, and both can prevent freezing and overheating.

The second consideration walls and floors, or anywhere where concrete is used within the thermal envelope, which applies to the high thermal mass, is. This concrete building in a delay of warming, as it takes time to warm rooms, are intermittently heated and requires a quick response is a loss. But this season, with large daily temperature swings, is an advantage, where by day, by night, keeping the building cool and warm slab acts as a regulator.

For a suspended slab, power-to-weight ratio are a number of designs to improve. In all cases, the top surface is flat, and the underside modulated:

Corrugated, usually concrete is poured into a corrugated steel tray. It improves strength and bending under its own weight prevents the slab. In the short run amplitude corrugations, by.
A ribbed slab in a direction substantially additional strength.
A waffle slabs, both sides give extra power it down and look hollow.
is ribbed and Waffle slab foundations to reduce, compared to an equivalent flat slabs provide a light and stiff slabs. Laboratories and hospitals such as slab where vibration is a problem of a very good form.

Spanning the vertical direction is ribbed slab of ribs with deep narrow beam of wide band running between columns are made. A thick top slab system is complete.

ribbed slab is equal to waffle slabs are profound. a thin slab of waffle topping slab and column heads narrow ribs or bands have spread in both directions between the beams. Or band beam column heads are the same depth as the ribs.

Reinforcement Design

Along the long axis moment is so small that it can be ignored because it is a one-way slab just need a little help in the moment resistance. The long direction of the short side of a slab length ratio is greater than 2 the same way it can be considered as the slab.
Two-way slab reinforcement in both directions at the moment resistance is required. Long and short side length ratio of the two when both should be considered in the design.

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