Wednesday 29 April 2015

Road roller

 Road Roller used in construction work

 Road roller are used in construction work road and buildings. mostly used in road for compaction
in road construction first of all level the road where we laying the road after leveling doing the compaction on the road land in dry condition . after this some percentage of water are shrinkage on the road place then again compaction that are called wet compaction . after compleating this step laying the aggregate according to the specification some voids are empty and hollow for filling this hols using the sand in thickness of 1.5 inches . then again compaction on this place in dry condition and same as it after this wet condition rolling on the road surface now this road are called WBM (water bound macadem road ) after this step road open for traffic till to more compaction due to the weight of  vehical . in different types of roller are used in these work but mostly used the  foot ship roller because its weight of very high a good work depended on the good machine basically we used this for compaction .

Level road rollers being implemented (static) or compress (Hull) to use the mechanical advantage of the weight of the vehicle. A road project initial compaction of the substrate on the pad having a surface area less than a padfoot drum roller compaction density is achieved, is using. On major highways such as a caterpillar 815/825 series padfoot drum machine and a blade, with a four-wheel compactor, bulk material to spread its high weight, speed and a powerful force used to advance will be. A single regional roads can be used padfoot drum machine. The machine is generally smooth land until a smooth drum compactor that compacts down the high spots, and it is usually to get a level surface in combination with a motor grader is. Sometimes it will be used to stage a pneumatic tire roller. The two rows of rollers that overlap pneumatic tires (front and rear) feature, the flexibility of the cell and the wheels and tires with a vertical movement, uneven ground that enables us to work effectively provides a roller kneading action is. Once the base is flat soil compactor drum pad on the surface of the road is no longer used. The next course (road base) for maximum compaction with the right amount of moisture required to achieve a smooth flat surface of a drum, roller or smooth mill grader in combination with a pneumatic tire roller, and a water Using the truck will be strengthened. After being compacted road base, a smooth drum compactor on the road surface is no longer used (a special drum machine on flat tires are wide basis, however, is an exception). Asphalt concrete (asphalt or blacktop aka England in North America, or macadam) laid the final wearing course using a paver and a tandem smooth drum roller, a three-point or roller compacted using a pneumatic tire roller is . Three points on the asphalt rollers were once very common and is still used, but Mill Hill rollers kneading action of pneumatic tire roller surface to seal off the last roller with the usual choice now, do.
Also used in the compaction rollers. Such padfoot compactors general or "sheep's foot" drums, and do not get a smooth surface. Due to the small area of ​​the pad contacting the ground, in compression.

The effectiveness of a roller depends to a large extent on the weight, since the mid-19th century, self-propelled vehicles replaced horse-drawn rollers. The first such vehicles were steam rollers. A cylinder steam rollers usually used for the base and a vibrating roller compaction on similar lists in more bounce and vibration from the crankshaft through promoting a lower gear with high engine revs run was.was. High-geared models often hot asphalt laying machines and chipping which followed behind in the chip Chasers "was cited as the basis of smaller engines to slow as steam rollers were often gears by Young were dedicated to the task. Some companies in the US road used steamrollers through the 1950s, and in the UK, some in commercial service until the early 1970s.
20th century technology of the internal combustion engine, kerosene-, gasoline- (petrol) and diesel-powered rollers gradually improved during replaced their steam-powered counterparts. First, it changes the internal combustion steam powered road rollers rollers were very similar. The wheels, usually large, exposed spur gears transmit power from the engine, similar to the method used. Age engines, especially kerosene-powered ones were usually difficult to manage as some customers did not like them in their childhood.

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